Favorite records for when the weather gets cold!

Alright. It's officially colder out. Trees look dead, you wanna go out less. You need some comfort music to ease that seasonal depression. Brady's got you covered. It's pretty simple. I'm gonna gush about some albums. I'll link each one too. Some records I'll have more to say about than others. There's no specific order. Here goes nothing! Alessandro Cortini - Avanti I wanted to bring this one up first since I figured it was the most appropriate for this sort of weather. It's fuzzy, warm synths layered over delay and reverb. The record was made as a soundtrack to Cortini's home videos, which had no audio to them whatsoever when he discovered the original tapes. The record is a stunning piece of music and it was my gateway to discovering tape recorders as instruments, and my gateway to his solo work. Can't recommend it enough. Fennesz - Black Sea Fennesz is one of those artists I wish I found out about sooner. Black Sea is dark. It's murky and...