Facebook and Instagram are down.
Hello. Not too much happening now. It's pretty nice. Facebook and Instagram have been down basically all day so far. Just kinda been listening to records and chilling out after a busy weekend. Two artists, in particular, have been on a helluva loop lately. HEALTH and TOBACCO. Absolutely loving their stuff lately. HEALTH's Vol. 4 :: Slaves Of Fear and TOBACCO's Sweatbox Dynasty have been on heavy rotation. There's something really hypnotic and compelling about both records, but I have yet to put my finger on what exactly. I especially love how digestible they are, they're not long records by any means and the tracks are short and sweet. Nothing overstays its welcome.
Anyways, so this whole Instagram and Facebook thing is weird. On one hand, I'm fine with Facebook being gone with all the misinformation and bullshit. On the other hand, I DO use both services to keep in touch with a lot of people and it'd suck to basically be starting over with no platform to promote my shit. I actually use Instagram and have a solid following there, so it'd be a setback. Facebook I basically just use to sign into a handful of sites, I don't promote much anymore. Facebook actually cut off my ability to use their promotional services for some reason, which is part of why I'm not too mad about it. The stupid algorithm they use was throttling my posts' reach for a lot of people and had been since the first Vanity Contest show. So irritating.
I mean, I'm sure they'll be back online but it's just been a weird bit of reflection this morning/early afternoon.
In some other happenings, I discovered Lawrence English of all people offers mastering services! I might take him up on it by the time my next solo record drops. It definitely won't be for a while but it'll happen when it happens. As soon as the new Vanity Contest material drops and I'm through promoting that I'll take a break between now and the next major VC release to get that pulled together. I really enjoyed that solo show and wouldn't be opposed to pulling something cool together for the record I finished working on earlier this year. It's a really cool listen, it's my favorite out of the major solo releases. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it though!
Favorite tracks this week:
TOBACCO - Gods In Heat
TOBACCO - Jinmenken
TOBACCO - Road Warrior Pisces
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