RUBINE IS LIVE, BABY! The album is streaming everywhere. I am greatly thankful for the press on the record, and the support it has gotten so far. The album peaked at NUMBER SEVEN on the Chicago Ambient charts via Bandcamp. The rest of the cassette run sold out within a few days of the album going live on the 8th and was totally gone by the 13th. That's insane to me, I am so humbled by the love for the record. Please keep bumping it! Share it with friends, stream it, tell people, tell your dogs, I dunno. The solo Bandcamp has done really well lately, it's gone from 20 something followers to over 50 in the span of a few weeks and this is the most any of my records has been downloaded. It's crazy to even begin process the success of it compared to prior records. As far as press goes, Rubine was featured on Chicago Soundcheck's Fresh Tracks, which you can check out here. Many thanks to Brian Shamie for the feature and support with both my own projects and Vanity Contest. ...