So I figured I might as well answer a quick question for those wondering about why the heck I've been doing so much solo music! Not to fear, Vanity Contest is still active and hard at work with new material. I figured for a while I might as well explain why there's an "about me" tab when I only have two major releases... right? If you scroll a bit further, there's a TON of material that's from my earliest days of doing music. Those records from 2018 and back are all my earliest recordings and links to where you can find them. I was embarrassed by them for the longest time and took me a really long time to feel comfortable about them. For every half-decent idea, there were about 30 terrible ones. I was just learning how to use DAWs and just using my phone and whatever Garageband synth plugins I could find that I liked. Yeah, they're flawed, but it's my roots! The earliest gasps of Vanity Contest, for cryin' out loud! It took me a long time to accept...